Land Water Environmental Projects
01685 886234



LWEP`s waterway division carries out works for numerous clients.

These include constructing fishing platforms for both able bodied and disabled, river bank construction and reinforcement, erosion matting, coir logs, willow planting, silt clearance, otter holt construction, spawning bed creation, construction of fish passes and gabion basket structures.
Clients include Angling associations, Environment Agency and schools.


Our landscaping projects range massively and include footpath construction, wall building, design and build, planting and turfing, highway planting, drainage, civil engineering to name but a few.


Our operations include constructing fishing platforms for both able bodied and disabled, river bank construction and reinforcement, erosion matting, coir logs, willow planting, construction of fish passes and gabion basket structures.


Our work relies heavily on habitats and environments that are already in place, and it is our responsibility to maintain such areas. Out work includes pond building, Habitat creation, Bird/bat boxes, bat/dormouse bridges, otter holts and many more. We also carry out wildflower meadow seeding to aid with the creation of habitats.


We take great pride in creating fun and exciting school environments for our children to learn and have fun. Our school projects include outdoor learning areas, bespoke shelters and outdoor/fieldcraft tuition, and we encourage the children to get involved and help out in planting!